Hormone Imbalance & Menopause?
I can help with these and
many other Women's Health Issues

Helping Women manage the different stages of Life
Women face many health challenges through life and I can help you so they don't rule your life​
Your body requires different nutrients at different times in your life and I can provide support for PMS, hormone imbalances, PCOS, endometriosis, fertility, pregnancy and postnatal care, menopause, healthy ageing and much more. We are all unique and as such there is no single plan to suit all. That is why a nutritional consultation can be so helpful to look at you as an individual and to work out what is going on for you and what I can do to help you to feel your best.
Nutritional therapy provides an excellent way of dealing with these issues. The key is hormone balancing and there are a range of dietary measures that can be adopted that assist with this. In addition healthy digestion, stress management, reducing the toxic burden and ensuring your body has the correct nutrients in the form of good diet, vitamins, minerals and good fats to help it work efficiently can all help normalise hormone levels.
"PMT has ruled my life for years. I used to avoid planning anything in the week before my period as I used to feel so awful. Finally, 3 months after first seeing Rosie I feel a significant change. A lot of the symptoms have disappeared and I’m feeling great.
Olivia B

Izzy B
Jules W